A Priest sits amongst the painted icons of Biete St. Giyorges, lalibela, Ethiopia

Tsega Gebru, shop-owner, Megab village, Tigray, Ethiopia

Gher'Alta Mountains, Tigray, Ethiopia

A camel train carrying packs of mined salt is lead by two Afari tribesmen, across the Asale salt pan in Ethiopia’s Danakil Depression, the hottest, driest, most inhospitable place on Earth.

A lone parishoner prays during morning mass at Biete St. Giyorges, Lalibela, Ethiopia

A lone old waoman navigates the rock-hewn channel-like walkway of Biete St. Giyorges, Lalibela, Ethiopia

A priest stands in the doorway of Abuan Yemata Guh monlithic rock-hewn church, Tigray, Ethiopia

A priest holds a cross inside the rock-hewn church of Maryam Korkor, Gher'Alta, Tigray, Ethiopia

A priest stands in the doorway of the wood and stone Aksumite church of Yemrehana Krestos, near Lalibela, Ethiopia

A camel driver leads a camel loaded with salt to join a camel train at a salt mine on Lake Asale, in Ethiopia's Danakil Depression, the hottest, driest, most inhospitable place on Earth.

Street vendors, Addis Mercato, Addis Ababa

Monk and Bible, Biete Ghiorgis, Lalibela

Gang of kids playing together, like kids all over the world, Laibela

Gawshu, my guide in Lalibela

School boys and Geography lessons, Lalibela

Priest with Manuscript, Yeha, Tigray, Ethiopia

A priest and a monk sit inside amongst the rock-hewn pillars of Biete Medhane Alem, Lilibela, Ethiopia

Priest and monks are in discussion outside Biete Maryam, Lalibela, Ethiopia

A priest navigates one of the many passages leading between the rock-hewn churches of Lalibela, Ethiopia

Priest and Effigy, Biete Golgotha, Lalibela, Ethiopia

A salt miner ties a block of salt ready for transport at a salt mine on Lake Asale, in Ethiopia's Danakil Depression, the hottest, driest, most inhospitable place on Earth.

A salt miner trims a block of salt at a salt mine on Lake Asale, in Ethiopia's Danakil Depression, the hottest, driest, most inhospitable place on Earth.

An Ethiopian woman makes and bakes small flat-breads over a flat iron-topped outdoor wood stove in a ramshackle enclosure of sticks, branches and corrugated iron sheeting.

A priest holds an open bible with illumination in Abuna Yemata Guh monlithic rock-hewn church, Tigray, Ethiopia

Priest, Biete Meskel, Lalibela, Ethiopia

Nun and Cat, Maryam Korkor, Tigray, Ethiopia

Nun, Maryam Korkor, Tigray, Ethiopia

Playing, Abala, Afar, Ethiopia

Market vendor, Addis Mercato, Addis Ababa

Spice vendor, Addis Mercato, Addis Ababa

Onion vendor, Addis Mercato, Addis Ababa

Spice vendor, Addis Mercato, Addis Ababa

Hardware store, Addis Mercato, Addis Ababa

Monk, Gatehouse, Yeha, Ethiopia

An Afari man in green plastic sandals guides a donkey train across the salt pan of the Danakil Depression, Ethiopia
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